
Monday 8 October 2012

Abbreviation :

Some Important And Recent Abbreviation:

1.AFTA : Asia Free Trade Area.

2.AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

3.ANC : African National Congress.

4.APEC : Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.

5.ASCON : Army Swotced Communication Network.

6.ASEAN : Association of South-East Asian Nation. 

7.ASLV : Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle.

8.ATA : Air Time Authority.

9.CAPES : Computer Aided Paperless Examination System.

10.CFL : Central Food Laboratory.

11.CHOGM : Commonwealth Head Of Government Meeting.

12.CMC : Computer Maintenance Cooperation.

13.CTBT : Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

14.DFRD : Digital Fight Data Recorder.

15.DRDO : Defence Research and Development Organisation.

16.DWR : Doppler Weather Radar.

17.ECS : Electronic Clearing Service.

18.EDI : Electronic Data Interchange.

19.EMS : European Monetary System.

20.ERNET : Educational and Research Network.

21.ESMA : Essential Service Maintenance Act.

22.ESOS : Employees Stock Option Scheme.

23.ESPN : Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.

24.EURECA : European Research Coordination Agency.

25.FERA : Foreign Exchange Regulations Act.

26.GAIL : Gas Authority of India Limited.

27.GATT : General Agreement on Tariff and Trade.

28.GDI : Gender-related Development Index.

29.GNLF : Gorkhaland National Liberation Front.

30.GSTP : Global System of Trade Preferences.

31.HMS : Hybrid Mail Service.

32.HUDCO :Housing and Urban Development Corporation.

33.ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organisation.

34.INFACT : Indian Federation Against Copyright Corporation Act.

35.ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network.

36.ISSP : Indian Space Satellite Project.

37.LCA : Light Combat Aircraft.

38.MIC : Methyl Iso-Cyanate.

39.MNF : Mizo National Front.

40.MRTS : Mass Rapid Transit System.

41.MTCR : Missile Technology Control Regime.

42.NAM : Non-Aligned Movement.

43.NHRC : National Human Rights Commission.

44.NPT : Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty.

45.NSC : National Security Council.

46.OAU : Organisation of African Union.

47.OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

48.PSLV : Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle.

49.PWG : Peoples War Group.

50.RAF : Rapid Action Force.

51.RDS : Radio Data Servicing 

52.SAARC : South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation.

53.SAPTA : South Asian Preferential Trading Agreement.

54.SDI : Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars).

55.TDC : Technology Development Council.

56.UNIDO : United Nations Industrial Development Organisation.

57.WBF : World Book Far.

58.WIPO : World Intellectual Property Organisation.

59.WTO : World Trade Organisation.

60.ZBB : Zero Based Budgeting.

61.ZPG : Zero Population Growth.


1.A : First Class,Ace.

2.AAFI : Amateur Athletics Federation of India.

3.AD : Anno Domini(After Christ)

4.ADB : Asian Development Bank.

5.AI : Air India.

6.AIIMS  : All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

7.AINEC : All India Newspaper Editors Conference.

8.AIR : All India Radio.

9.AM : Ante Meridiem(before noon), Amplitude Modulation.

10.APPLE : Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment.

11.ASC : Army Supply Corps.

12.AVARD  : Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development.

13.AVSM : Ati Vishist Seva Model.

14.BA : Bachelor of Arts.

15.BC : Before Christ.

16.BCG : Bacillus Calmette Guerin(Anti-T.B. Vaccine).

17.BCom  : Bachelor of Commerce.

18.BE  : Bachelor of Engineering.

19.BEd : Bachelor of Education.

20.BHEL : Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd.

21.BSc : Bachelor of Science.

22.BSF : Border Security Force.

23.BTech : Bachelor of Technology.

24.C : Centigrade.

25.CA : chartered Accountant.

26.CBI : Central Bureau of Investigation.

27.CIA : Central Intelligence Agency(USA).

28.CID  : Central Investigation Department.

29.CISF : Central Industrial Security Force.

30.CM : Chief Minister.

31.CNS  : Chief of The Naval Staff.

32.CO : Commanding Officer.

33.CPC : Civil Procedure Code.

34.CR : Central Railway.

35.DA : Dearness Allowance.

36.DC : Direct Current,District of Columbia.

37.DM : District Magistrate.

38.DPI : Director of Public Instruction.

39.FBI : Federal Bureau of Investigation.

40.FFC : Film Finance Corporation.

41.FICCI : Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

42.FRG : Federal Republic of Germany.

43.GIC : General Insurance Corporation.

44.GM : General Manager.

45.GMT : Greenwich Meen Time.

46.GPO : General Post Office.

47.HP : Horse Power.

48.HQ : HeadQuarters.

49.HV : High Voltage.

50.IA : Indian Airlines.

51.IAF : Indian Air Force.

52.IAS : Indian Administrative Service.

53.IATA : International Air Transport Association.

54.I & B : Information and Broadcasting.

55.ICC : International Chamber of Commerce,International Cricket Council.

56.ICS : Indian Civil Service.

57.IHF : Indian Hockey Federation.

58.IIPA : Indian Institute of Public Administration.

59.IIT : Indian Institute of Technology.

60.INA : Indian National  Army.

61.INS : Indian Navy Ship,Indian Newspaper Society.

62.IPS : Indian Police Service,Inter Press Service.

63.IST : Indian Standard Time.

64.ITBP : Indo-Tibit Border Police.

65.ITDC : Indian Tourism Development Corporation.

66.JCO : Junior Commissioned Officer.

67.LIC : Life Insurance Corporation.

68.LLB : Legum Baccalareous(Bachelor of Laws).

69.Ltd : Limited.

70.Ma : Master of Arts, Magister Artium.

71.MBBS : Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.

72.MC : Master of Ceremonies.

73.MD : Docter of Medicine;Managing Director.

74.ME : Mechanical engineer.

75.MEd : Master of Education.

76.MLA : Member of the Legislative Assembly.

77.MLC : Member of the Legislative Council.

78.MO : Medical Officer,Money Order.

79.MP : Member of Parliament.

80.MRA : Moral Rearmament.

81.MS : Master of Surgery.

82.MSc : Master of Science.

83.MSW : Master of Social Work.

84.NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

85.NB : Nota Bene(Mark Well).

86.NCC : National Cadet Corps.

87.NCERT : National Council for Educational Research and Training.

88.NDA : National Defence Academy.

89.NSA : National Security Act.

90.NSC : National Service Corps.

91.NSS : National Service Scheme.

92.OAPEC : Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries.

93.OC : Officer Commanding.

94.OK : Orl Korrect(all correct,all right).

95.ONGC : Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.

96.PA : Personal assistance.

97.PBX : Private Branch Exchange(Telephone).

98.PDA : Preventive Detention Act.

99.PhD : Doctor of Philosophy.

100.PIN code : Postal Index Number Code.

101.PLO : Palestinian Liberation Organisation.

102.PM : Post Meridiem (after noon)Prime Minister,Post Mortem.

103.POW : Prisoner Of War.

104.PP : Particular Person, Public Prosecuter.

105.PRO : Public Relations Officer.

106.PSC : Public Service Commission.

107.PT : Physical Training.

108.P & T : Post and Telegraph.

109.PTI : Press Trust of India.

110.PTO : Please Turn Over.

111.PUC : Pre-University Course.

112.PVC : Param Vir Chakra.

113.PVSM : Param Vishisht Seva Medal.

114.PWD : Public Works Department.

115.RCC : Reinforced Cement Concrete.

116.RSVP : Repondez S'il Vous Plait(reply if you please).

117.SALT : Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.

118.SDO : Sub-Divisional Officer.

119.SLV : Satellite Launch Vehicle.

120.SO : Special Officer.

121.SPCA : Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

122.SR : Southern Railway.

123.STD : Subscriber Trunk Dialling.

124.TA : Travelling Allowance,Territorial Army.

125.TC : Transfer Certificate,Ticket Collector.

126.TELEX : Teleprinter Exchange.

127.TMO : Telegraphic Money Order.

128.TV : Television.

129.TWA : Trans-World Airlines.(USA).

130.UAE : United Arab Emirates.

131.UAR : United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria).

132.UDC : Upper Division Clerk.

133.UGO : University Grants Commission.

134.UK : United Kingdom.

135.UN : United Nations.

136.UNEP : United Nations Environment Programme.

137.UNESCO : United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

138.UNI : United News of India.

139.UNICEF : United Nations International Children's Educational Fund.

140.CPI : United Press International.

141.UPU : Universal Postal Union.

142.USA : United States of America.

143.USIS : United States Information Service.

144.VC : Vice Chancellor,Victoria Cross.

145.VIP : Very Important Person.

146.VOA : Voice of America.

147.WHO : World Health Organisation.

148.WWF : World Wildlife Fund(now renamed World-Wide Fund for Nature).

149.Xmas : Christmas.

150.YMCA : Young Men's Christian Association.

151.YMCA : Young Women's Christian Association.

152.ZETA : Zero Energy Thermo-nuclear Assembly.